Course curriculum

    1. Bounce 102

    2. Let's Settle In

    3. Course Logistics and Tech Support

    4. Let's Stop and Get Focused

    5. Stress and Trauma Review: 8 Key Points

    6. Resilience Means Facing Reality, Renewing Purpose and Moving Forward

    7. 3 More Resilience Strategies

    1. The Foundation of Resilience

    2. Stress and Trauma Disrupt Sleep and Exercise

    3. Exercise

    4. Movement In Your Life

    5. We Need to Move More

    6. Moderate Exercise Improves Resilience

    7. All Movement Helps

    8. Make Movement a Priority

    9. Sleep and Recovery

    10. History of Sleep

    11. History of Sleep Details

    12. What are the Effects of Sleep Deprivation?

    13. Children Are Struggling As Well

    14. Sleep Advantages

    15. Commit to 7.5 Hours and Start a Sleep Journal

    16. Knowledge Check: Exercise and Sleep

    1. Social Connectedness

    2. Loneliness is Common and Makes Us Miserable

    3. We Are Social Animals

    4. Harvard's Study of Adult Development

    5. Make Time and Devote Energy to Relationships

    6. 36 Questions: A Relationship Building Activity

    7. Let's Get to Know a Stranger

    8. Knowledge Check: Social Connectedness

    1. HEAL

    2. Which Dog is More Memorable?

    3. Our Brain has a Negativity Bias

    4. Use your mind to change your brain to change your mind

    5. H E A L - Taking in the Good to Build Resilience

    6. H E A L - 4 Steps

    7. H Have A Positive Experience

    8. E Enrich It

    9. A Absorb It

    10. L Linking Positive and Negative Material

    11. Linking is Powerful but Optional

    12. Enjoy The Positive Moments

    13. In the Days Ahead, Make HEAL a Habit

    1. Planning

    2. Goals

    3. Willpower is NOT a Plan

    4. W O O P It Up!

    5. WOOP at a Glance

    6. Case Scenario: Can We Build Marvin’s Resilience?

    7. Discussion Board Prompt

    8. Choices

    9. Your Choices

    10. Knowledge Check: Planning

    1. Tell us what you think

    2. Stay In Touch

    3. Resilience Resources

    4. Take Aways

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 58 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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